Sunday 17 June 2012

Concept of human rights

Human rights are an idealistic concept of empowering the individual, the action implies restrictions to another entity/s and such giving rights by taking away. Societies are forced to try and define rules to enforce this on communities to protect the individual from falling prey to its fellow man or larger organizational structures.

At the core, the idea is powerfully simplistic, and when applied to a single conflict the morally correct approach is usually not difficult to see (For a well-informed, un-bios party that is). This however stops being simplistic once you use a precedent to set universal laws. In forming laws we tend to use extreme examples to support ideals and then use that as a baseline to apply laws to millions, this goes against the natural flow of allowing for freedom to find solutions to problems individually (Especially if they distinguish themselves as being unique and extreme cases).

Having some global governance regarding the individual’s welfare is a good attempt to suppress some of the dark nature in society; we however need to understand that this is a human attempt to globally manage something that can easily have very unique instances that is difficult to categorize. Consider the possibility of a more suitable conflict resolution, where two open minded individuals are considerate towards each other’s views in resolving the situation as opposed to a generic law determining the outcome. Obviously this won’t always work but the more considerate we are towards our fellow man the less we will have to depend on laws to be our moral compass.

Once we understand the reason for the existence of these laws we also need to face the truth that there is nothing in nature that supports this as a right, this is purely our attempt to better ourselves by distancing us even further away from our primitive nature where the strongest survive. Think about it, all of this can be taken away immediately if a dictator comes into power.  It is not a right but rather a luxury that we should treasure not abuse, as it can disappear much faster than it took to assimilate into society. Based on humanities history this inner darkness is not something we can eradicate, at best we can try to keep it under control.

Many advances in societies was paved with blood and suffering for those who fought for it, united by their shared ideals. Sadly due to the size of humanity we need imperfect structures to maintain a civilized and functioning body of people. Some people will ultimately benefit more from it than others but we will be worse off without it. We can only hope to mold the existing forms for the better, however it is important to understand that not all causes is beneficial to the greater mass of people, even if some people strongly believe so. Extremist to both ends of a topic can easily go backwards and forwards over many years, fighting using exceptions in support of their ideals without finding a natural balance (Causing more harm than good), it is our responsibility to not blindly support causes without understanding the different extremes and searching for a balance between them.

To truly make a success of the idea of human rights we as individuals need to appreciate what we have and consider other people in our dealings and choices. Join causes to rectify unbalanced rights and ideologies but be informed and intelligent in the ones that you choose. Understand that the concept of universal structures to problems, in that they are categorized and labeled by law as a necessary evil and that it is impossible for it to be just for each case it is applied to. Consider conflicts individually before passing judgment brashly based on previously formed opinions.

Let us be less judgmental, less selfish and more compassionate towards our dealings with others and we will help changing society from the inside out.

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